Gas Turbine Servicing – Quarter in Review – April 2018

Our first quarter in operation (Jan - Mar 2018) we already had a previous relationship with a major oil & gas operator, who supported our cause and wanted to have the team helping improve the quality of workmanship conducted and reducing the downtime of production critical machines by doing work right the first time.
Servicing Gas Turbine package cleaning

Rotation Solutions was recently created, with a primary focus for high quality maintenance & servicing of your Gas Turbine in Western Australia. As founder my background was General Electric and Solar Turbines models. With work ready to commence in January 2018, I unfortunately had a mountain biking accident on New Years Eve and required a shoulder reconstruction. Rotation Solutions had to grow from 1 to 3 employees instantly to ensure the promised support was delivered. After personally spending years in Australia’s gas turbine & compressor industry I had good resources to call on.

Our first quarter in operation (Jan – Mar 2018) we already had a previous relationship with a major oil & gas operator, who supported our cause and wanted to have the team helping improve the quality of workmanship conducted and reducing the downtime of production critical machines by doing work right the first time.

An initial difference we wanted to make was the way a package is left following maintenance. If your car goes to a mechanic for its log book service, most workshops give your vehicle a clean so its fresh mechanically and aesthetically when you pick it up. Our technicians believe that if your car gets this treatment why not a million dollar turbine? The benefits leaving it clean are not just aesthetics with a turbine. It keeping contaminants off critical components, Its spotting foreign objects that can cause a fire (Plastic bags from maintenance), Its an easy way to find the location of an oil leak once returning a package to service.

Our FY19Q3 customers were supported with some of the following task’s below.



  • Gas Plant, Pilbara Region, Western Australia
  • FPSO, Exmouth, Western Australia
  • Gas Plant, Port Campbell, Victoria




Work Executed:

  • Servicing – Full gas turbine and package service, including detergent water wash, package cleaning and returning the unit service
    • Saturn 20 Generator Sets
    • Taurus 70 & Centaur 50 Compressor Sets
  • Preservation inspection – Assessment of condition degradation of a Saturn 20 previously put into a long term Preservation. This was done by conducting a borescope inspection and various other package inspections to monitor condition then comparing to previous reports. The package was then reinstated with new preservation materials where required
  • Various turbine package repairs
    • Replacement of Lube Oil Cooler belts & pillow block bearings
    • Inspection and re-bolting of coupling assemblies to correct distortion within flexible shim packs
    • Rectification of many lube oil leaks within various turbine packages
    • Rebuilding a Solar Turbine Taurus 70 Lube Oil Control Block with different temperature control valves to correctly set control block assembly up for operation at different ambient temperatures
    • Balance Piston Line replacement on a compressor
    • Replacement of enclosure ventilation duct work
    • Supporting replacement of water to gas compressor after cooler
  • Flange management of process pipework interconnected with turbine compressor package


Rotation Solutions could not of wished for a better start to business operations. While the newly hired field team were working in both Western Australia and Victoria delivering high quality servicing of the customers Gas Turbine, I was able to make head way on the businesses quality systems that we planned to use in the future as a differentiation to the OEM and other independent service providers.

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Dane Balle

Dane Balle

Founder and Managing Director of Rotation Solutions.
Creating innovative organisations, full of amazing, accountable and resilient people.

Rotation Solutions

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We strive to improve performance and reliability for our partners with a new generation of Industrial Turbine Services. 

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